Learning History Through Music Package

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Learning History Through Music Book Cover.jpg

Learning History Through Music Package

Sale Price:$49.99 Original Price:$79.00

Book/DVD/CD package includes all Learning History Through Music elements found in the shop. $79.00 plus shipping ($129.90 if bought separately)

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This book contains 96 pages of important historical facts, core-aligned lesson plans for grades 4 - 8, lyric sheets, sheet music, DVD containing all eight music videos and three CDs of all the song and instrumental versions in the collection.  The book is divided into three sections dealing with important moments in our history that still resonate today including:

  • The Constitution -"We The People" - sings the Preamble to the Constitution in an uplifting American Anthem for students K - 8
  • The Gettysburg Address and the Civil War - "Four Score and Seven Years Ago" - Gettysburg Song sings part of the Gettysburg Address and includes material on Lincoln, the Civil War, and what this means today.
  • Immigration - "She Still Carries A Torch" - About Immigration andthe Statue of Liberty as a symbol of freedom to the millions of people who have come to America in search of a better life.

The videos can be viewed across the curriculum - social studies, history, civics, music, English, and their documentary footage is designed to resonate with kids and help them discover the past that has molded our present and future.  For grades K - 8.

"By integrating the historical components and lesson plans with the music and videos, Sandy Wilbur has found a way to make these important historical moments come alive for students, grades K - 8, their parents, and teachers of social studies, history, civics, English, and music. "